Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yes, it really is that easy.

You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures. Psalm 16:11

Today seemed like it was just going to be an ordinary day. It still seemed that way when I sat down to blog today...until I started thinking about the events of the day and I had a sort of epiphany. I was reading in my little dedicated teachers prayer book, and today's reading was entitled Your Mission. I just wanted to share it here because it is the basis on which this epiphany is founded:

Whether you realize it or not, you are on a personal mission for God. As a Christian teacher, that mission is straightforward: Honor your Creator, accept Christ as your Savior, teach your students truth, and serve those who cross your path.
Of course, you will encounter impediments as you attempt to discover the exact nature of God's purpose for your life, but you must never lose sight of the overriding purposes that God has established for all believers through the revelations of His Holy Word. When you apply God's commandments to every aspect of your life, you will earn countless blessings for yourself, your family, and your students.
Every day offers fresh opportunities to server God, to worship Him, and to seek His will. When you do, He will bless you in miraculous ways. May you continue to seek God's purposes, may you trust His Word, and may you place Him where He belongs: at the very center of your life.

Wow. That's all I could think after I read this. I never thought that teaching, the profession that I chose, would be my personal mission for Christ. That it would be the way I was supposed to reach people. Then I wanted to smack myself in the head as my epiphany hit me like a ton of bricks. Over these last few weeks I've just been moaning, groaning, crying, and complaining about student teaching and all the things I've had to deal with. But, from the beginning, God said the journey was not going to be easy. He warned us that following Him would be tough, but that the rewards would be plentiful. Of course I'm going to encounter impediments. Everyone does. All teachers do from time to time. But, God gave me this gift of teaching, and lately I think all I've been doing is losing sight of the purposes God has established for my life. Every single day is a fresh opportunity for me to serve Him. So, why have I been wasting my days worrying and complaining!? DUH!!!! God knows where I'm supposed to be. It's right here in my life. In the present. It doesn't matter what happens this afternoon, tomorrow, or even the next day because He has got it figured out. And in the end...everything is going to work out according to His plan. I've been praying for patience, and He has been trying to give it to me. I've been asking for guidance, and He has been here the whole time, holding my hand, carrying me, trying to get me to open up my eyes, trust Him, and stop being so afraid.
I observed in another classroom today, and the differences from this classroom to mine were astounding. Not all classrooms are going to be stressful like mine is. Why did I think that teaching was always going to be bad? I can control how it is ran by implementing procedures at the beginning and always remembering to serve God through my work. I need to be patient and loving, just as God is with me each and every day. How can I expect to reach students and have respect from them when I am forgetting the number one rules for my life? I'm disgusted with myself for forgetting these things in the past weeks. Every time something tough has come up, I haven't gone to Him or prayed about it. Or, I have prayed about it, but then taken the problem back and tried to deal with it myself. No wonder these past weeks have been difficult! I'm not making it any easier on myself.
It's amazing how many life questions are answered if we just sit still and listen for God when He's trying to talk to us. So often I find myself angry because I don't feel like He is hearing me, when in fact it is ME not hearing HIM! It's incredible to realize that what we do each day has meaning in the big picture of God's plan.
These verses definitely sum up these thoughts very well:

Whatever you do, do everything for God's glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel. Psalm 32:8

Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved. Proverbs 16:3

Yes, it really is that easy. :)

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