Sunday, May 1, 2011

Crazy Weekend Redo

Epic Fail.
I just wrote a post, and then it was gone. So much anger...

I haven't written in awhile since I was in Evansville alll weekend. I. Am. Exhausted.
Yibby's bridal shower was good. She got a lot of stuff for her and Stephen's house...wherever it ends up being. I am so going to miss her when she moves. I feel so old compared to all the people here at home. She's one of my only friends who is actually my age. I feel like such an old lady. Especially after this weekend. Her bachelorette party was fantastic. My outfit was absolutely tragic, but I really enjoyed my time with the Feigel girls and Erika. They're pretty fabulous. :) This weekend, however, is not something I want to partake in every I said, I'm an old lady. And I definitely need my beauty sleep.
So, pretty sure I'm going to start anytime because I have been super moody and irritable this weekend and especially today. A song almost made me cry in the car and I've been devouring chocolate like it's my job. Everyone and everything is annoying me.
And, along with my super moodiness, I'm being the biggest Debbie ever, and I've been having super depressing stupid thoughts. Hence the following:
I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Eventually, I think it's going to come down to me having to move away and grow up and find a big girl job. Too bad this terrifies me..
I do not want to live with my parents forever. Talk about depressing. I'm going to be 23 this year. Yes, that is still pretty young, but I have no idea what I'm doing with my life or where I'm going. I sorta feel like God is MIA lately. I know that's not true, but I can't help feeling like my life is at a stand still. I'm just so scared of moving away all by myself. I've gotten so comfortable here, and I love my church, and my small groups, and being close to my family...
But, is there anything for me in Vincennes? Obviously the job situation is pretty dim...I'm not meeting anyone here...I'm broke as a joke and living with my parents...What am I supposed to be doing? Where am I supposed to be? My life has sorta become this big gigantic ballofperpetualdoomanddistruction.
I'm failing at this trust God with everything business. Why do I have to be so stinking stubborn?!
Not good.
Anyway...I'm not really feeling like writing at the moment. I'm sure these thoughts will evaporate quickly once I get out of this moody gloom. I'm just a Negative Nancy tonight.

Here is the song that almost made me cry. It's a goodie. Annnnd, you can just call me an 80 year old lady for tearing up and being an emotional wreck.

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